In January of 1983 entrepreneur/owner Elaine Thomas set off on her first business venture with ABS. Originally located in Merced and named Associated Business Services, ABS provided a variety of services to businesses such as secretarial and resume services, medical transcription services for doctors and hospitals, and temporary help – via a licensed agreement with the Olsten Corporation.
ABS then added a mail processing department called ABS Presort. After steady growth a second office was opened in Modesto in 1986. In order to concentrate all efforts on ABS Presort and Olsten, after two years all other services were dropped. By 1995 ABS Direct had emerged as the stronger business and Olsten was sold. Soon after, ABS Presort was consolidated into a single location in Modesto. ABS now offers a full range of services related to mail processing, statement and mail merge printing, and fulfillment.
In 1998 it was apparent that ABS had outgrown their facilities and was in need of a larger home. By 1999 the dream became a reality and in June the entire operation was moved to brand new, state of the art facilities in North Modesto. ABS now has the ability to serve customers in more ways than ever dreamed possible.